The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Books of Revelation. Yes, I said Books—not Book. There are written books but there are also living books—and each one of you is one of the volumes in the extensive and ever-expanding set of the Encyclopedia of Revelations.

“Over the agelong spiritual planetary evolution, revelations were wisely dispensed, commensurate with the level of understanding of the creatures. Initially, they were dispensed by the dropper to the spiritual planetary babies. This is all they could handle. Indeed, each revelation has to be understood and integrated in order to open mental doorways to a higher understanding.

“In your own life, you notice that as your understanding deepens, new questions arise in your mind. Such questions are the basis for new personal revelations. Much material has already been revealed; yet, it is stored in writings or in evolved minds, waiting for your interest to be piqued.

“The purpose of any revelation is to enlighten you—to illuminate your mind and help you thrive at all the levels of your being. Revelations are practical—they need to be practiced in order to promote your personal evolution and find their validation within your being.

“Not only did your Master Jesus shared the Good News—a brand-new and revolutionary revelation about the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man—but He also presented you with His own Book of Revelation. What do I mean by that?

“I mean that the Book of His God-centered life became in itself a Book of Revelation. The same goes for each one of you. Your book may still be in a draft form, needing to be edited as you weed out from your life any elements that are not of the light. Yet, a life well-lived becomes another Book of Revelation—a sharing of your personal treasures, a self-help manual that you lovingly share with others.

“Indeed, dear children, do not greedily copyright your Book of Life. Share it with others in the Book Club of Humankind. So many potential page-turners are co-authored whenever you strive to live a full life. Indeed, your life can be an eye-opener for others. All your Ah-Ha moments are your personal revelations and can be shared with others—just as you benefit from theirs. You are all in it together and so much strength can be derived from loving cooperation.”

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