The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, as you enter the Stillness, you learn to search within you for the Peace that passes all understanding. This peace is living within you, deeply embedded in your emotional being. It is a place of pure equilibrium and a state of being-ness--away from the state of business that most humans experience due to an overload of activities and distractions.

“Whenever you remove the distractions from your unfocused attention, you come automatically to a place of being--deeply anchored within you. This is the place where the connection with your Adjuster takes place. What makes your Adjuster such a wonderful Guide is that He is completely grounded in the Presence of the Father. He has the same nature as the Father. Stop and ponder what it means.

“Creation took place from a state of peace. Peace is unrushed and is patient and so is the creative process. Beyond the concepts of time and space, there is eternity and infinity – limitlessness. The Father is expanding His nature and is lovingly reaching out to the far corners of the universe. His love is all-inclusive and all-pervasive. He is Love.

“By cultivating your inner peace, you too can get to a place of powerful co-creation. Inner peace implies reflection. When your environment is peace-full, it allows you to connect with your own inner peace, the core of your being.

“Restlessness is a sign of imbalance and disharmony. The more consciously you live, the faster you recognize whenever you enter this danger zone and the faster you can take corrective measures. As you taste that Peace, you develop a yearning for it whenever it dissipates from your present moments. You come to understand that you can recapture it whenever you stop and go within to reestablish your connection with it. Peace can flow into you through the Divine IV; it can be fed through the invisible umbilical chord which connects you to your Divine Parents. “Do not block the flow of peace. Instead, become a conduit for it. Learn to absorb it and integrate it at every level of your being so that you can stand strong whenever life seems to become unsettling. Practice peace and you will eventually become the master of your emotions – Self mastery is an amazing accomplishment. It is the graduation from being an immature mortal being to becoming a being in touch with one’s divine essence, an essence which only deals with positive emotions and vibrations. Learn to unleash that amazing power within you and you will positively impact those who come in contact with you, especially in their times of need.”

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