Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you read in The Urantia Book about the default of the first Planetary Prince—Caligastia, a Lanonandek Son—the thought came to your mind that there is always a possibility of failure from the part of the creature—no matter how experienced.
“Caligastia had a tendency to be critical toward some minor aspect of the established order. He also was “falling in love with himself.” Because of the personal independence granted to thinking creatures, there are at all times the possibilities to make the wrong choices—even with the best of intentions.
“Self-pride—narcissism—is a trait of character that can easily creep into an individual if caught unaware. The Father wishes that His children be neither under confident nor over confident as both attitudes are detrimental to the positive evolution of the individual. Lack of confidence prevents one to take chances and to taste the thrill of some new experiences. Over confidence leads the individual to become too self-assured and to disconnect him/herself from the higher and wise guidance available to them.
“Sadly, the history of your planet was marred by the nefarious behaviors of beings of higher orders who were meant to upgrade the cultures and races of the planet. This resulted in much separation and disconnection at many levels—many of them unknown to you.
“In your own life, strive at all times to give credit to the Father and His Helpers for the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness that you experience. Give Him all due credit for the qualities and talents of your being. He is your Creator after all.
“Whenever you feel surges of pride in your being, stop and think. Are you the one deserving credit for who you are? Who gifted you with your personality? Beware of self-adulation as it leads you to think of yourself as better and above others. Keep in mind that you were given many gifts meant to be shared with all and to be put to the highest use possible.
“Shy away from flattery as it can eventually become detrimental to your welfare. The outcomes of the rebellion of Lucifer and Caligastia and the default of Adam and Eve were that the planet became separated from its planetary siblings and started a course of its own, riddled with warfare and painful events.
“It is time for the “prodigal planetary daughter” to be reconnected with her System—in her rightful place. Many of the circuits that were severed due to the rebellion are being reconnected so as to enable such a planetary shift and ascension. The Father needs many hands and feet on the ground in order to conductHis divine agenda.
“By willingly enlisting and by adhering to what you identify as the Father’s Will, you can play your meaningful part in this healing process. Learn from the failures of the past so that you can keep your integrity and remain loyal to the Father. Do not get distracted or side tracked by self-adulation. Cultivate humility as it is the best safeguard against such nefarious influences. Give at all times praise to your Maker and serve others with your gifts and talents as the Father meant for them to be freely shared through you.”
[More in depth information as to the Lucifer Rebellion can be found in The Urantia Book]