The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have come to the personal realization that you would like to disconnect from your being any attachments to lower emotions that are holding you hostage at some level. Yes, life does bring in your reality situations that are difficult to deal with and that you experience as hurt-ful—filled with pain and suffering.

“As long as your planet is populated with so many individuals that are not able yet to go within and practice serious introspection, the error of their ways won’t be revealed to them from within. They will have to be brought to their senses by some personal crisis situation that won’t make it possible for them to delay any longer the need to reassess their way of life. If they are highly dysfunctional and cause harm to others, they may be placed in situations where they will be given “a taste of their own medicine.” The universe may “conspire” to bring forth these soul awakening situations so that they develop much needed “com-passion” toward their victims or their likes.

“Hurtful behaviors are also “germs carriers”—i.e. they can breed very low emotional responses in the victims: anger, resentment, bitterness, depression… etc. Through the open emotional wounds, such emotions can enter the emotional auric field of the victims and attach themselves deeply to them if their defenses are down. This is the reason why the past is being “dragged” into the present and is being constantly resuscitated in the mind that relives it over and over.

“In order to stop such a detrimental cycle, it is important to become aware of what is happening and how you are being victimized over and over by carrying around such a “load” that slows you down in your progression toward a peaceful mind and a joyful heart.

“Becoming deeply aware of these inner processes is the first significant step toward putting an end to them. You can then start holding a tighter watch over your emotional field and detect the first signs of these emotional unrests. Instead of allowing them to free load in your being, you can hand them a pink slip and ask them to vacate the premises instead of sweeping them under the carpet and wishing for them to be no more. By burying them, you are allowing them to multiply undetected in the darkness as would invasive weeds if they are not brought to the light of day.

“Suppressed emotions are not being dealt with effectively. They will still linger in your being and affect your all around wellbeing. It takes courage to look at them in the eyes and to show them the exit door. You can then change the lock and issue them a restraining order.

“If you do not willingly initiate this inner cleansing process, life will become the pressure washer that is needed to expel from your being these deeply encrusted emotional parasites. Eventually, you will come to recognize that life is your ally--not your enemy--as by willingly cooperating with such “life changing” events, you will put to rest your inner warfare and emerge as the harmonious I AM you truly are.”

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