The Inner Sherpa



“In your living and loving ministry serve spiritual food in attractive form and suited for the capacity of receptivity of each of your inquirers.” [UB 1474:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Many among you have developed spiritual ulcers—the inability to process and digest some of the spiritual food they have been dished out in various religious cafeterias—even to the point of exhibiting serious allergies or aversions toward them and solving them by staying indiscriminately away from spirituality in any form and shape. This is a sad state of affairs as you are spiritual beings in need of spiritual sustenance and starving your soul is harming it even more.

“If you could only assess the shape you soul is in, you may be horrified by its lack of vibrancy due to its anorexia or inadequate feeding. This is the main reason why true happiness is only experienced by a few—those who are feeding their soul with the delicatessens of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

“If you do not like the food you are being served, change restaurant or do some home cooking. All the ingredients are available to you and you can add your God given imagination to the mix in order to concoct tasty recipes that match your soul desires and satisfy its need.

“Once you enjoy better spiritual, emotional and mental health due to the healing soul food you ingest, you want to share these blessings with others by sampling your dishes to them, in small increments, so as to awaken and stimulate their taste buds. This is what your Master Jesus did. He had the ability to discern who needed what, and customized His teachings accordingly—at times without any spoken words.

“Be a Teacher, not a Preacher. A successful teacher, whose classroom is filled with students at different stages of their academic development, has to design lessons fitting their individual needs. You cannot write an essay if you have not mastered the basic skills of reading, writing and spelling.

“To minister ‘lovingly’ means that you are attuned to the life circumstances of those you minister to. Foremost, they need Love. Love is universally attractive and is like the precious salt that enhances a dish that would otherwise be very dull.

“Dear ones, there is a good reason why Jesus called you the Salt of the Earth. Learn to sprinkle your love as you go through your day and share your recipe with those who would like to apply it to their own lives. No pressure, no coercion, only Love in Action. The questions of your inquirers will reveal to you their greatest needs. Keep on topic and use their level of vocabulary so that your teachings can find their way to their heart and in their understanding.”

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