The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “What happens in the Stillness? It is a moment of communion between your spiritual side and Spirit. You live your life simultaneously at various levels but many human beings have not ever pondered that fact and they merely perceive their life based on their physical connections to the visible world.

“Spirit dwells beyond time and space and yet, you can connect to Spirit as your mind is from that timeless and space-less dimension, thus allowing you to ‘conceive’ creative ideas. Just as your physical body has to be ‘refueled’ by ingesting energy giving nutrients, your mind also needs to be recharged by healthy mental nutrients — meaningful thoughts. If you don’t cater to your mental needs, your mind becomes like a device whose battery is dead and cannot therefore perform optimally as it was intended to.

“What good would it do for you to have a state-of-the art generator if you failed to understand how to get it running? You would still have to live in the dark for lack of understanding of the owner’s manual.

“Indeed, dear ones, you beings are so much more than meets the eye. Living your life on a purely physical plane does not show much of a diversion from being a member of the animal kingdom. Indeed, what you need to foster during your earthly life are the God-given abilities that make you part of the Brotherhood of Man. Those are the very abilities that will enable you to live eternally.

“What are these? Worship and Wisdom are the two Adjutant Mind Spirits whose influence is available to you as human beings, while it is not made available to animals. They are your connections to Spirit and allow you to taste spiritual realities while in the flesh.

“Take time to ponder how to use optimally your physical vehicle. It will determine the wealth and the impact of your human experience.”

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