The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You live in a very complex and yet harmonious and organized Universe. Yet, the natural balance of your planet has been adversely affected by the rampant human confusion.

“This is the reason why it appears to riddled with so many paradoxes and contradictions. Too many human beings are oblivious to the fact that they came ‘with strings attached’—that from day one of their existence, they have been connected to supportive network of greater organisms that constitute their life lines in their ascension journey toward their Paradise destination.

“A baby’s umbilical cord safely connects it to the nurturing organism of its mother and this cord is only severed once it has been born into a greater womb—the planetary womb.

“On a spiritual level, you are attached to many strings as well—the firm guidance of the Spirit of Truth, the loving Guidance of the Holy Spirit as well as the many other spiritual influences that are life lines available to anyone at all times.

“Sadly enough, many of these life sustaining cords have been stretched to the max by the misguided gravity pull of so many lies and hidden selfish agendas; they are dangerously thinning and becoming so threadbare that they are reaching their breaking point. When that point of no return has been reached, the individual is left free floating in a confusing reality and is at high risk to get hopelessly lost in such a disconcerting maze.

“ ‘Reconnection’ should be the key word in your life: Reconnection with your spiritual family; Reconnection with the values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness; Reconnection between your heart and mind powers.

“Independence is a great thing when it is applied to your thinking as it allows you to distance yourself from obsolete thinking patterns and traditions that are hampering your evolution, as well as the planetary evolution. Yet, it has nothing to do with the claim of independence of the Lucifer rebellion that was intended to sever all human connections with their Divine Origin and turned so many into spiritual orphans.

“Isn’t it time to follow the strings connecting you to your Life Plan? Isn’t it time to mend and patch all these weakened connections? This is the only way to get reconnected to your true identity.

“Faith is the primer that will reboot these worthwhile connections and restore them to a state of optimal functioning. The Spirit of Courage will propel you forward and help you sever the unhealthy attachments binding you to fears. The Spirit of Counsel will also incite you to reconnect with your siblings in heart, mind, and soul. Love and Respect will be the upgraded spiritual connections that will turn you into small cosmic antennas, able to receive and transmit wonderful constructive information and uplifting values—the precious construction materials needed to build a World infused with Light and Life.”

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