The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “To be ‘compassionate’ means ‘to suffer with’. It is an emotional expression of sympathy but it is not a mere feeling, as it is combined with a desire to help. Because we have compassion, we want to take action and help the person who is suffering.

Notice the last word of the above definition: with. We partake in other’s suffering—we suffer together. This is what differentiates compassion from empathy.

Compassion is the third attribute of Christ’ Consciousness after Love and Gratitude. Each human being has the ability to grow into Christ Consciousness by increasingly embodying these ‘heart-titudes’—the attitudes of Christ’s Heart.

You can have an intellectual understanding of the concepts of Love, Gratitude, and Compassion. Yet, they will remain mental concepts as long as they do not drop into your heart to be felt – heartfelt. Indeed, you experientially get to know the vast gamut of human emotions, including those which naturally rise to the top—the cream of the creams: Love, Compassion, and Gratitude. As you get in touch with these selfless feelings, you rewrite your emotional codes, so to speak.

It is often said that you cannot fully understand someone’s experience unless you walk in their very shoes by undergoing a similar experience. Indeed, personal experiences are events of full emotional disclosure, as feelings are associated with events. You can use your imagination to get a faint idea of what someone is going through but, if you have gone through similar experiences, your heart does not need any translation. This is why ‘com-passion’ means to suffer with. It is one of the many facets of Love, associated with sympathy and empathy.

Many of you have numbed their hearts in order to cope with a very painful reality, encompassing the suffering of many. A numb heart fails to respond with Love, as it does no longer register some emotional impulses and has been ‘de-humanized’ in some way.

Jesus was compassionate toward his fellowmen. He lived His physical life with the intention to more fully understand humanity. How can you treat others as you want to be treated if your heart is devoid of compassion? This is an impossibility that needs to be remedied. Compassion will unlock the last seal that prevents your heart to be fully activated. Compassion tells you that you are one of them, that you are sharing the same boat with humanity, navigating stormy waters in search of the Harbor of Peace that is to be found in the deepest recesses of your beating heart.”

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