The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the connection between Heaven and Earth. How do you bring Heaven down on Earth? Your body is needed as the anchor for such an amazing transaction. Yet, so many live unaware of this glorious potential.

It is important that human beings remain grounded in Mother Earth—their biological mother, so to speak. Indeed, your physical body consists of a multitude of elements that originate from your earthly mother. They are your common DNA. You also ingest essential earthly nutrients in order to sustain your livelihood and they are integrated into your being, contributing to your health and longevity. As well, when stripped from their vitality and sustenance, their left-overs are excreted and biodegraded and serve as the fertilizers for the next generations of crops. How amazing is that?

However, you are foremost spiritual beings, living in physical bodies. From that point of you, you originate from higher realms and the invisible layers of your being have to be sustained by other ‘health providers’. How well do you cater to them?

The optimal sustenance for your emotional and spiritual well-being is Love. The Ultimate Provider of Premium Love Substance is your Heavenly Divine Parent. Just as your feet are grounded in Mother Earth, your Spirit is connected to Paradise through an umbilical cord of another substance, yet, very real.

Learn to live in greater awareness of such a connection. It is how you will find your way Home. It is how your spirit will be nurtured from Above. Indeed, Heaven and Earth are connected within you. They are neither utopia nor wishful thinking. Yours is to do your ‘home work’—to live with the awareness that, even though you are of this world at this time of your life, you also are part of a much greater organism. You are a small and bright star having its distinctive spot against the canopies of Heaven.”

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