The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, isn’t it mind-blowing to think that the energy that pervades all creation is intelligent. The First Source and Center is the “Generator” that provides the needed energies to sustain the universes. These energies are not randomly leaking from the Father’s bosom. They are intelligently and purposefully guided.

“They are encrypted. They are streaming toward their intended creative purpose. They are like heavenly guided missiles heading toward their specific programmed constructive purposes. They do not randomly roam through the universes creating havoc in their wake. Rather, they are Special Ops that support the Divine Plan.

“This is also how human energies should be managed—with purpose. Whenever they are wisely applied, they create a momentum and generate higher energies that are constantly “refueled” as they are connected to the Divine Pipeline. Whenever they are randomly spent, they become depletedand you experience depression and a feeling of emptiness.

“Self-centered energies will eventually run out as selfishness is separation from the whole. Love is the purest form of energy--intelligent Love. There are so many intricate layers to your life experience. Yours is to learn to become a powerful vehicle for intelligent love in action. Yours is to intelligently and lovingly make your life decisions. That will ensure that they bear the fruits of Spirit as they will have been conceived under the influence of Spirit.

“The more skilled you become at discerning what matters from what does not, the wiser you will invest your energetic quota. It will make you feel “full-filled” and it will generate within you ripples of positive energies, keeping you motivated, driving you forward and amplifying your zest for life.”

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