The Inner Sherpa



“Worship is intended to anticipate the better life ahead and then to reflect these new spiritual significances back onto the life which now is.” [UB 1616:07]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that true worship has nothing in common with the dictatorial demands for the adulation of an overinflated ego. Worship cannot be coerced; it has to be the natural outflow of the creatures’ heartfelt longing for connection with their creative Source and Destination, thus coming to a full circle.

“Your Indwelling Divine Fragment has tasted the sweetness of Paradise from which He hailed to come and indwell you. Together with His loving Presence, He is also the bearer of these powerful longings to return Home. His Mission is to safely bring you back Home where you too will be able to taste Love, a Love that will completely plug all the holes in your heart.

“A wonderful trigger for genuine Worship is the observation of the infusion of so much Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in your environment—the manifestations of Divine Love. By focusing on any of those soul invigorating values, your heart becomes quickened and craves for more. It develops a strong appetite for a sound spiritual nutrition and Worship becomes a powerful transformative factor in the life of the worshiper.

“Use your discernment as to where to direct your worship. Through ages of evolution, human beings have raised the bar for the object of their worship and finally reached the tipping point where many address it to the One and Only qualified to ensure that your relationship has an eternal future.

“It is worthwhile to look at your life from that perspective. What or whom do you worship? Is it the golden calf of material possessions? Is it the fake veneer of fame and so-called popularity?

“The Adjutant Mind Spirit of Worship is a wonderful mentor in your quest for genuine worship. Tap into all the higher spiritual influences that are freely made available to the children of time so that they can find the rainbow bridge that will take them to the mysterious and enticing realms of future experiences—each one taking them one step closer to the magnificence of Paradise that will leave them speechless but will make their heart sing as never before.”

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