The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You were just reading that the intellectual capacity is connected to the mortal’s potential to become a bona fide creature and give wisdom the ability to function. As well, the degree of human spiritual perception also defines the potential of soul and the probable spiritual capacity of receptivity—adoration. [UB Paper 108, 1:3]

“Both Wisdom and Worship are at the top of the hierarchy of the Adjutant Mind Spirits. Their availability to human beings is what differentiate them from mere animal creatures and give them the potential of immortality—eternal life.

“Why would your life be experiential if it were not to provide you with many opportunities to gather precious wisdom—to wise up and mature intellectually? You can compare Wisdom to the precious Royal Jelly fed to a worker bee to turn it into a Queen Bee—your divine nature.

“Worship is also the natural outworking of the awakening of a human soul to its spiritual potentials. Force of character results from the combination of worship and wisdom.

“Indeed, the hard-earned wisdom you harvest along your life’s journey contributes to your spiritual enlightenment. “Wisdom requires the investment of the intellect to make sense of the human condition. Worship is born from the activation of the spiritual potentials and drives the soul to praise its Maker.

“Look at your life from this perspective. How do you develop a force of character? It is through the successful overcoming of your life’s challenges. They continuously raise the bar so that the ‘you’ you are today is better than the ‘you’ you were yesterday.

“Indeed, nothing is static both on the inner and the outer. What matters is that you move in the right direction by ‘wisely’ using your intellect and cultivating the attitude of gratitude—the building block of worship. Indeed Wisdom and Worship will strengthen your character and regulate your otherwise very unruly emotions—just as your home thermostat regulates the ambient temperature in your home.”

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