The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “What is Worship? It is another term that has been greatly distorted and misused on your world. Frequently, the types of worship you witness are very misguided and have more to do with idolatry than worship. Indeed, the only worthy objects of your worship are the Divine Attributes—the full-strength and solid character traits that are shining through the Divine.

“In your world, worship has been desecrated in many ways—just as it was desecrated when human beings selected the golden calf as the object of their misguided cult. They projected their wishful thinking on it but it could in no possible way contribute to the growth of their soul, as it was utterly devoid of everlasting spiritual values.

“Whenever you are selecting a ‘role-model’, you need to be very discerning as to which role you wish to emulate and to which contributions it makes to your character and to the growth of your soul. This is the reason why the only object of your worship should be your Heavenly Father—the One who IS a living aggregate of all values—both their Source and their Destination.

“Dear ones, disentangle yourself from misguided worship. You can express admiration for human traits of character or accomplishments. Yet, it should not turn into adulation, as it is riddled with dangers—the landmines of fragile egos.

“Jesus always forwarded all human worship that was directed to His person to His Heavenly Father. He never allowed such immature worship to get to His Head. He was well aware of the historical handicaps of self-centered pride.

“Indeed, there is an Adjutant Mind Spirit of Worship whose role is to guide you into genuine worship. Ask for guidance and it will be given to you. Allow for your heart and for your mind to unite in worshiping the Father for Who He Is. There are indeed infinite reasons to worship Him and such a heartfelt worship is the expression of your gratitude. Indeed, Gratitude leads to Worship and Worship takes you to the awesome Presence of the Father.”

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