The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The manifestation of world peace depends on the inner shift of its ENTIRE population. How else could it spread ALL OVER the world? 

World peace will not come about unless all planetary citizens do their part as positive influencers by BE-coming PEACE-FILLED. Praying for world peace supports the inner work of the multitude. The prayerful ‘Collective Voice’ can contribute to building up a much-needed synergy toward such a desirable breakthrough.

Your top priority should be to bring YOUR affairs in order by surveying the lay of your inner land and assuming personal responsibility. Are your interactions with others harmonious or are you at odds with some of your planetary siblings, stockpiling toxic resentment and grudges while complaining about the turbulence of world affairs? 

How can you criticize others—the broad-shouldered ‘they’ entity—for their lack of self-control if you fail to acknowledge it in yourself? It is quite hypocritical and utterly unproductive. It stands in the way of the planetary expansion of its Peace Corps.

Take to heart the Be-the-change-you-want-to-see-in-the-world advice. Jesus earned the honorary title of ‘Prince of Peace’ because peace was his operative platform. Whenever life unsettled him, he withdrew into the Stillness, communing with his soothing Father’s presence. It appeased the ripple effect caused by those throwing metaphorical stones at him. He thus became a self-realized Master in the Art of Peace and his presence was peace-commanding.

Take up such a challenge, as it will tremendously benefit your life. A peaceful inner state is the perfect climate-controlled environment in which the many fruits of the spirit can grow. You will tremendously gain in emotional stability when the going gets rough by learning to be a detached observer rather than ‘losing IT, ‘it’ being your peaceful composure. Life certainly abounds in opportunities to make a difference as a peace-monger.”

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