The Inner Sherpa



“We cannot search out God by knowledge, but we can know him in our hearts by personal experience.” [UB1453:05]

Thought Adjuster: “You were thinking about what it means to have a relationship with God—or with anyone by the same token. It seems that, on this planet, for lack of meaningful personal relationships, many take pride in knowing someone who knows someone who has been in contact with some ‘celebrity.’ For some reason, fame or the association thereto, seems to give an ego boost to those who live superficial lives and do not realize that their deep longing for personal relationships has not been met.

“Friendship by proxy is not friendship; you cannot get to taste a dish through someone else’s taste buds. You may get a description of that person’s experience and—if the dish meets her criteria of excellence—you may then decide to overcome your own reluctance to try something new and take a bite at it.

“Will this first bite generate a sigh of delight or a grunt of disapproval? Only you can know. Just the same, are you satisfied to get to know the Father through gossip or hearsay? What does it do for your own life experience? Not much, if you stop and think. However, if it serves to spike your curiosity and awaken your desire to enjoy similar positive experiences as those reported by those who found their personal connection, then it is a good thing.

“The Father is having a PERSONAL relationship with His creatures. He relishes their uniqueness as the various facets of their personality finds a match in His Being. Isn’t it exciting to look at things this way? Only YOU have the ability to pull at your own string in God’s heart! Aren’t you curious to hear which melody it will release?

“This goes both ways. There is a part in the Father’s Being where you can comfortably and happily snuggle. It is Home and it feels like Heaven! It cannot be a mental or intellectual experience. It is ALWAYS a meeting of the hearts as Love is a feeling, not a thought. Sure, you can recall loving experiences through your mental data base. Yet, to relive the feeling, you have to recall it from your heart.

“If you want to be a friend of God, you’ve got to introduce yourself to Him. You’ve got to stand at the ever open door of His Heart where drop-ins are welcome.

“What is the degree of your connection with the Father? Are you intimidated by the image of Him projected by the religious mass media? Or have you decided to take a leap of faith by offering Him your open heart and undying friendship? Are you on a first name basis with Him, confiding in Him your most intimate secrets? Or do you flood Him with platitudes and generic messages that do not contribute to a vibrant and living relationship? Again, the choice is all yours and you can at all time upgrade your experience.”

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