The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The image entered your mind of a toddler learning to walk. He is tightly holding on to the hands of his parents and, with their support, perfectionates his stance and strengthens his legs. Once convinced that he is ready to venture on his own, the parents let go of the tiny hands and, from a safe distance, cheerfully entice him to walk toward them. Both their wisdom and their love play an essential part in this endeavor.

“You will undergo many similar processes during your lifetime. Wise parents raise their children to become independent. It requires a certain level of selflessness on their part, as letting a loved one go is somewhat sacrificial. The enjoyment of personal liberty is one of the prerequisites to genuine happiness, even though it can turn out to be a double sword if abused.

“Another facet of ‘holding on and letting go’ relates to your spiritual growth, which has to start from somewhere. Do not get stuck at your point of departure—stubbornly holding on to the rudimentary understandings of spiritual matters, imparted to you by your elders. It will take you a very long time to reach your Paradise destination. You will have to advance steadily toward this remote promised land where Truth, Beauty, and Goodness reign supreme. You will have to bravely loosen your grip at each rung of the ascension ladder to work your way upward and Godward. Hold on and let goafter securing another handhold or foothold. Pitch your tent at each waystation to get acclimated to the more rarefied spiritual atmosphere.

“Off-load any obsolete beliefs system and firmly hold onto those that are enduring, as they harmoniously combine the three core values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness—the exquisite nutrients of your soul.”

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