The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you initiate our together-time, you wonder what will be the flavor of the day. You feel some anxiety about your ability to pick up on it, as you do not wish to be presumptuous about the origin of the message; on the other hand, you know by experience that your morning leaps of faith yield undeniable results.

Knowing that I am ever-present and omnipresent in your mind, you strive to establish and maintain a living heart and soul connection with Me. I can only interact with you according to the current interests and preoccupations that define your mindset. At times, life will lead you to reconsider entrenched points of view, which may give Me an opening for consolidating its input.

Your progress is proportional to your efforts and the time you dedicate to it—the best investments of your life force, as growth occurs over time.

I monitor your thinking in the hope that you will do Me the great honor of asking Me to finetune it—thus attuning it with Mine and elevating it to higher places of much-needed understanding. Humankind needs enlightenment, as misconceptions and misunderstandings cause great harm and evolutionary retardation.

Eventually, our minds will become synchronized. It will no longer matter who is at the helm of your thinking. Inspirational materials will be downloaded in your hungry mind and act as the sourdough starter for precious insights that lift you out of your obsessive thinking, leading you to greener mental pastures.

I have volumes of practical wisdom to share with you.”

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