The Inner Sherpa



“You can argue over opinions about God, but experience with him and in him exists above and beyond all human controversy and mere intellectual logic.” [UB 30:05]

Teacher: “If you only knew how Spirit and your Guides are looking at you and how much they are loving you—each one of you. Unbeknownst to you, we see you are endearing little ones taking, or about to take, your first spiritual steps in the planetary soul nursery that Mother Earth is providing for you.

“Indeed, just as parents proudly observe and lovingly foster the coming to maturity of their little ones, we do just the same from Higher Realms—the realms where we will be reunited some day.

“You are not alone; you are NEVER alone unless you allow yourself to feel that way by erecting walls within your consciousness—walls that will greatly limit the scope of your earthly experience. You are spiritual beings meant to live full-fledged spiritual existences once you God-victoriously complete your ascension back to your spiritual roots—the First Source and Center. This is the way your Master Jesus paved for each one of you—His “little ones”—while He lived His incarnation with a parental and brotherly heart.

“Love is the only force that should ever be applied in relationships. Love is the optimal soul nutrient. Love is your true nature. Can you envision yourself as being pure Love? This would be the most empowering visualization you could ever practice as it would draw to you the Substance of Love—the precious nectar of a life well lived.

“Dear Ones, go through your days by striving to ‘enact’ Love—to be Love in Action, the force that will give you full co-creative status—your birthright, your your inheritance and your enduring legacy.”

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