The Inner Sherpa



“Seek the greater thing, and the lesser will be found therein; ask for the heavenly, and the earthly shall be included. The shadow is certain to follow the substance.” [UB 1823:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Mass Amnesia today. Indeed, throughout the course of the planetary history, much has been forgotten by humanity or intentionally stowed away from its consciousness by ill-intended agendas.

“Eons ago, Lucifer and his cohorts twisted the heavenly truth in order to promote their quest for personal glorification and satisfy their hunger for power. Sadly, the lies they spoke with so much conviction found their mark in many minds and, as a result, blanketed the soul of humanity with the heavy fog of ignorance as to its true identity—a fog that purposefully prevents the divine light from shining through in order to be seen and acknowledged by all.

“Your Master Jesus Himself was born as a baby and had to gradually ‘remember’ His own divine Sonship that was hidden from Him at the time of His early human development—just as it is hidden from each one of you. Jesus was in touch with the longings of His heart to reconnect with His true origin. By living a life in alignment with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, He found His way back Home and remembered who He actually was—a Son of God born as a Son of Man.

“Dear ones, the veil of amnesia can also be lifted from your minds and hearts. Don’t you feel that you come alive whenever you follow the loving impulses of your heart? Doesn’t it infuse you with a great sense of inner satisfaction and joy? Isn’t it validating enough that you have been created to be much more than automatons? Isn’t it time to be deprogrammed and recall those empowering soul memories in order to become the Godlike beings you were meant to be?

“Jesus ascended to greatness during his short life on earth. He also asserted that each one of you is able ‘to do greater things.’ What is more empowering: to be under the nefarious spell of the lies of the Lucifer legacy that belittle you, guilt you and shame you into believing that you were born as incorrigible sinners? Or to wholeheartedly embrace the vision that Jesus came to share with you that you are the beloved children of God, gifted with amazing potentials and meant for eternal life? Which version is the most appealing to you? You are the one determining your destiny. Do you want to place all your chips on the ephemeral material life or would you rather shoot for the stars, thus raising the ceiling of your own life?

“Truth, Beauty, Goodness are the values that you need to foster in your daily life. They are propelling you heavenwards, while lies, ugliness and evil are self-destructive forces and nothing lasting can stand on their ashes.

“Get in touch with your Divine Indweller. I will help you remember who you are. I will heal you from your amnesia and infuse you with all the dreams I have for you. Indeed, I an incorrigible Idealist.”

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