The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you anticipate today’s lesson, you wonder why it is so. You sense that through the process of turning within, you are becoming more and more able to pick up on the celestial news stations that disseminate reliable information pertaining to the planetary and cosmic current affairs.

“Many of you get their daily newspaper delivered at their doorstep and eagerly peruse it to keep abreast with what is going on in their community and in the world. Old newspapers are recycled daily, as their content becomes stale and no longer relevant. Yet, in the realm of your spiritual mass media, old news often remain the only information revisited, at the expense of ongoing and updated revelations.

“There is much value in the various epochal revelations. Yet, if you study them closely, you will quickly realize that each one of them was commensurate to the spiritual capacity of those to whom they were delivered. Too much, too soon can only be overwhelming and turn into a handicap rather than a spiritual aid.

“2000 years ago, Jesus was the bearer of Good News—breaking news, for which He had the exclusivity at the time. He did not come to rehash what was already known. He came to expand upon it and add new revelatory content to it. His revelations were timeless, as they had to do with everlasting spiritual values. He promoted Love and Service. He broadcasted the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. Such breaking news came as a shock to many.

“For those among you who do their spiritual homework and strive to follow in your Master’s footsteps, many more questions constantly arise in your mind, for which you look for practical answers. Moreover, there have been many planetary developments over the past 2000 years and the time has come for a new revelatory release to help you along your educational curriculum. The Father constantly speaks to His children—not once in a forever long while, and through a single spokesperson. Once you open your mind and your heart to receive—as Jesus did—you too will receive valuable personal revelations of higher truth and, by sharing them, you will become yet another valuable mouthpiece for the Father, translating His messages into loving service that speaks much louder than ostentatious words.”

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