The Inner Sherpa



“Prayer does not change the divine attitude toward man, but it does change man’s attitude toward the changeless Father.” [UB1639:03]

Teacher: “Dear child, here we are showing up for the solicited lesson. You have no clue about today’s curriculum and yet we will manifest it through the willingness of your open mind and the heartfelt desire of your heart. This is as simple as that.

“Where there is no resistance, there is openness and willingness. This is the open channel that we need in order to convey our lessons to you. Today’s lesson is about healing. There is not one individual on this planet that is not in need of some type of healing—be it in the physical embodiment, or the emotional or mental bodies. You simultaneously live in these dimensions some of which you are faintly aware. It is hard for you to figure out how to heal whatever part of your being may have been subjected to trauma or what is perceived as cruel mistreatment by life.

“Just as a physician is learning through his studies of the human organism to provide some level of relief to the physical ailments, there are many ‘healers’ working behind the veil of your consciousness to provide you with emotional and psychological healing. Yet, it implies a state of receptivity on your part.

“Initially, it is not always pleasant to receive personal course corrections. It painfully makes the individual aware of the need to sometimes drastically reform part of his life in order to become more harmonized with his God-given life purpose. Whenever you ask for positive changes in your life, the very word of ‘change’ implies that you will have to step out of your routine and take a chance without knowing what chain reaction it will trigger in your life.

“Prayer is the best initiator for change as it connects you with Spirit—the best Life Coach you could ask for. It will help you design an optimal strategy for your personal progression and such a strategy takes everything else into account as well as everyone else. There is only ONE TRUTH and this is the reason why it brings everything in alignment with the Divine Will. Only lies and misrepresentations create separation, confusion and disharmony preventing the ‘human colony’ to work as a united body toward the highest good of all. When you look at a colony of ants, you witness a harmonious flow as all these little workers cooperate as one consciousness—a common mind focused on a common purpose. This is how they manage to built amazing underground civilizations.

“Prayer opens the door to your inner guidance. It provides you with your marching orders under the insignia of Spirit. It provides you with the inner briefing you are requesting so as to make sense of where life is taking you. It is a two way communication. Sometimes, you have to decode the answers. Nevertheless they are forthcoming. Prayer helps you articulate what you want out of life and the feedback you eventually receive helps you fine tune your life course.

“Start each day with such a communication and little by little, you will acquire the skill to keep that communication line open at all times. What a blessing it will turn out to be in your life! You have an onboard Partner—a Co-Pilot and Travel Agent—adept at deciphering the complex 5D map of your life journey and safely taking both of you to your next port of call.”

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