The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about Higher Teachings. What are they? Higher Teachings have some revelatory content as they are coming from On High. Many loving celestial beings are monitoring your planetary evolution. As the planet reaches some limits in her development based on the current state of knowledge, permission is requested from On High to add some more knowledge to the already existing pool of knowledge so that it can act as a catalyst for more mind and heart expansion – soul growth.

“Higher Teachings are not purely intellectual—they all have in common that they are motivated and infused by Love. This is how you can differentiate them from the dangerous intellectual theories that have been and still are being fed to the masses. The Lucifer Rebellion was a big factor in the disassociation of the heart from the mind. Lucifer and his minions devised clever and confusing intellectual theories as they were coveting for themselves the acquisition of the God-given right to free will. Their nefarious agenda was to deprive others of their ability to make God-centered independent free-will decisions by luring them with hollow and yet apparently attractive promises of personal liberty.

“The spiritual secession that occurred at that time has plunged humanity in ignorance and intellectual and emotional shortsightedness. This is the reason why multiple epochal revelations have occurred at different times—each one building on the previous one and on the development that they generated.

“Currently Higher Teachings are becoming more and more diversified as so many areas of your planetary existence need to be realigned to their God-given purposes in order to fix all that is dysfunctional.

“You are blessed to live at such a time. You are blessed to have been personally endowed with a Divine Fragment—the Divinity within you. You are also blessed with the presence of your angels and the various beings that volunteer at this time to share their meaningful experiential wisdom with you. Become aware of all these opportunities. All it takes for you is to ask to be guided and to dedicate time daily to do your spiritual homework—to reflect on the areas of your life in need of attention and guidance. Truly, you can be “homeschooled” as your guides are expert at detecting your needs and are also in the know of your gifts and talents. Not only will they help you resolve your own issues, but they will also help activate you as positive spiritual influences in your life circle. What is there to lose? Doesn’t it make you curious to test these spiritual waters?”

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