Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about the Longings of the heart. What are you mostly longing for? Your heart is longing for the experience of the Divine love--of the Divine Presence. You are also longing for meaningful relationships on this side of the veil and beyond, as you are becoming aware of all the loving beings that are assisting in the planetary awakening.
“Your heart will have longings until the lacks it is feeling have been filled by the actual experience of the substance of the love which is directed at humanity. A fulfilled heart is a heart which is complete, a heart devoid of protective walls, a trusting and receptive heart. So many hearts are shielded which prevents them from being receptive to the Love substance focused on them. Love is not meant to run like water on the back of a duck, only sliding along the surface without entering the thirsty heart.
“If you admit to the hunger and the thirst of your heart, then you also have to accept the living waters of Truth and the nourishment of Love which are freely given to you. If you are hungry and thirsty but do not recognize that plenty of spiritual and emotional food is spread before you, you are the one putting yourself on a starvation diet, a unhealthy fasting. You are the one claiming that nobody cares about you, while the whole universe is in fact longing to support you in your growth and to nurture you with whatever nutrients your being needs.
“Allow the longings of the universe to satisfy your own longings as they are complementary. Nobody can ever feel entirely fulfilled as long as some inner longings for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness – for Love – remain unfulfilled. At times, you will be the recipient and at times you will be the donor, sharing the Love Elixir that you have accumulated in your container.
“Sharing is the modus operandi of the universes. Everything is interconnected, at all levels. Become a connector and you will align yourself with the blue print of your life; you will be amazed at the opportunities arising in your life as the universe will bring you the connections you are longing for, and much more.”