Teacher: “Dear child, you have been pondering of late the oneness of Trinity. Yes, your Indwelling Presence works in oneness with the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. They are one organism within their Trinity. As close friends or a couple, married for many years, are becoming so fluent in knowing each other’s mind that they can anticipate some of the thoughts of their partners, so does the Trinity work in absolute oneness of purpose. They function together in absolute perfection just like your mind, your spirit and your body work with one another, making it possible for you to lead a meaningful life.
“There is increased power when two or more come together. This principle is valid at all levels, especially at the Trinity Level. A powerful influence, a synergetic influence of great magnitude, lives within you.
“The microchip of a computer is a tiny part which could be easily overviewed and disregarded. However it is what makes the computer powerful. The divine Presence within you works undercover, anonymously, based on your highest intentions.
“You do have to express your desire to be infused with Spirit in order for Spirit to accept your invitation to participate more actively into your life. Ask and you shall receive! Spirit is always eager to jump into action and make Itself heard to those who are asking. The motto of Spirit is that “No soul shall be left behind” and Spirit also depends on you, as individuals, to join in the collaboration of Trinity, to be an active partner.
Isn’t that amazing that you can be in partnership with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? This is the meaning of being a Co-Creator. The Divine is not looking for silent partners, but for “activists”, for sons and daughters who take seriously their personal influence, the role they can play in the Great Scheme. As they join forces with the Divine, they can trust that they will receive their marching orders, based on their personal skills or potentials.”