The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have heard the statement that your body is a temple. Yet, have you taken the time to let it sink in? What does it imply as to the way you relate to your body? Shouldn’t you treat it with awe and respect?

Some of you spend time in places of cult. They wear their best outfits in honor of the One they come to worship. Their behavior is respectful and they are sensitive to the atmosphere of prayer that has been built over time—one prayer at a time. This is the reason why a sanctuary, whether it is packed with believers or stands empty, exudes a quality of Holiness—appeasing and comforting.

Your body can become such a place of worship if you turn within with similar longings. Just as the stone walls of a church are just its outer shell, your body is the outer shell of something much greater and bigger: your eternal soul. Are you in touch with your inner sanctum? Are you honoring it? Or are you distracted by your outer façade and the bustle of the neighborhood as were the merchants of Jesus’ time, who disrespectfully conducted their ungodly business within the parameters of the Jerusalem Temple?

It is time to conduct a reality check. By failing to do so, you contribute to a more and more distorted artificial reality that engenders much disharmony and dysfunction. It is time to advocate for enduring values, rather than giving way to their foolish kamikaze foes. Do you want to live in a world devoid of hope? This will assuredly come to pass if Love and Respect are stripped from your lifestyle.

It is time for you to take a stand for the Father, as Jesus did during His earthly life. Thousands of years later, He is still remembered for that. If one man made such a difference by being the change He wanted to see in the world, how much greater and faster could be the difference made by a well-intended crowd? It is time to stop vandalizing your inner sanctuaries and to restore them to a pristine condition.”

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