The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have not the foggiest idea about today’s topic. Yet, be assured that it will be forthcoming. It is actually easier for Me to talk to you when your thinking does not getin the way.

You have many questions. I have more answers than the number of questions you could ever ask. Indeed, there is much for you to discover but such a discovery will be gradual, as you have to absorb and integrate whatever is incrementally revealed to you.

You are enrolled in an eternally continuing educational program. This is the reason why revelations are forever forthcoming. No way, no how could all the Truth be contained within the cover of a few ‘sacred’ books, as only a small and narrow-minded thinking could be summarized that way.

Again, human beings tend to project their ‘finity’ into an Infinite Being. They define on their own terms what is ‘possible’ and ‘impossible’. How could an Infinite Being fit into such human concepts? THIS is NOT possible. Indeed, what needs to occur in the course of human evolution is a constant broadening of the human way of thinking.

Stop placing artificial limitations on the Infinite Being, as you are greatly limiting yourself in doing so! Rather, challenge your own limitations and you will quickly validate for yourself that maybe for you too “the sky is not even the limit.” Self-imposed limitations do indeed greatly limit the thrill of your personal experience.”

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