The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you read about Jesus ‘suffering during the last days of His physical life and the abject abuse to which He was subjected, you feel driven to ask for forgiveness in the name of your brothers and sisters who, in their ignorance, put the most innocent Son of Man—and Son of God—to death.

“However, the amazing gift of Jesus was that He did not take personal offense and was only concerned about the pain that His Heavenly Father had to endure while His beloved Son was nailed to a cross and suffered His final and tremendous agony.

“Father, forgive them as they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus’ wide open heart did not harbor any negative feelings. It was always filled to the rim with LOVE and such an unconditional LOVE streamed from all the pores of His being. It could not have been otherwise as He had mastered all His human emotions. He passed this final test with flying colors.

“As human beings, you very well know how high is the bar that Jesus set as the Son of Man. This world would be very quickly transformed if humanity became open and receptive to Divine Love—the cosmic connective tissue. How could you harm one another if you felt love and compassion for your siblings? The key to salvation is LOVE—not blood. Not only is the shedding of innocent blood a crime against humanity, but it is and always will be a crime against Heaven.

“Sadly, unless humans take responsibility for their own actions, this type of behaviors will be perpetrated as denial is the armored gate that blocks the access to the heart and prevents introspection to do its healing work. Instead, many human beings resort to the blaming game; they rather conveniently blame others and God Himself for their own transgressions of the Golden Rule and their iniquity. Even the death on the cross of Jesus was interpreted as an offering demanded by God to redeem the sins of humanity. Seriously? Is this compatible with the unconditional Love of the Creator? This truly is rather a pitiful defamation of His character.

“On the anniversary of the Crucifixion, take the time to ponder the events that lead to that tragic murder. Go within and ask to be guided in your heart to make sense of the life and teachings of Jesus so that you can extract the lessons of His selfless offering and apply them to your own life. This is how you will be resurrected spiritually. This is how your soul will be cleansed. Take charge of your life; take responsibility for your actions. No more blame, no more shame.”

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