The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, in order to yieldfruits, a healthy tree has to be rooted in the nutritious soil of the earth. In order to produce the fruits of Spirit, a human being has to become aware of the need to plant his/her spiritual roots deeply in the spiritual soil of higher realms.

“This can only occur if the individual becomes aware that he/she is foremost a spiritual being in a physical body. Truly, you need to keep your head and your heart immersed in the “clouds”—in Spirit. This will allow you to reconnect with your higher nature and to benefit from spiritual food of a much higher nutrition than the one available to you in the material realm—even though it is of high value when it has been gathered through the hard work of those who pioneered the expansion of their spiritual life.

“By consciously grafting your being into the Divine Tree, whose roots are in celestial realms, you will eventually bring forth in your being the fruits of Spirit and they will become visible in your physical reality and exert a positive transformative influence. This is how Heaven will be brought down to Earth—not the other way around as a life solely focused on the physical world only supports the livelihood of your physical vehicle without taking you to the spiritual landscapes you have been meant to discover during your limited planetary stay.

“Being receptive to the leadings of Spirit is what will propel your life experience to levels that have been undetected so far. It will open a gateway for the expansion of your mind and soul and it will help trigger within you many dormant abilities that have been meant to help you grow into the likeness of the Father in Heaven. This is what Jesus taught during His life. At all times, He kept His vision turned heavenward so that He could be remotely guided by the First Source and Center Who is waiting for all the children of time to return to His loving embrace.”

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