The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Intense activities of mudslinging are being perpetuated all over your world at this time. Such a dysfunctional behavior occurs at many levels—whether it is someone ‘bad-mouthing’ someone else or part of the group consciousness ruthlessly attacking and defaming the character of others. Sadly, one of the things ‘mudslingers’ accomplish is dirtying themselves in the process.

“Indeed, what comes out of your mouth can either sanctify it or defile it. Love sanctifies everything it comes in contact with, while hate desecrates it, as well as desecrates the hater. Indeed, there may be a very short-lived sense of satisfaction experienced by the hater after spewing his or her hate, but it will result in a multitude of adverse side-effects, as hate is a very destructive force—poisoning both the one dispensing it and the one at the receiving end.

“Whenever you ‘bad-mouth’ your siblings, you cannot but experience a bitter aftertaste. Whenever you ‘good-mouth’ others by speaking respectful words, your spiritual breath remains ‘fresh’ and scrubbing your mouth with soap—as the saying goes—will not become necessary.

“Dear ones, in everything you think, say, or do, consider the impact of your behavior—both on the inner and the outer. Hateful mudslinging and disrespectful behaviors exert a shameful backlash on their perpetrator, as they reveal a flawed character.

“Each one of you is a ‘generator.’ Which types of vibrations do you release from your being? Are they uplifting to others or are they hostile and harmful? If you continuously release ‘toxic wastes’ from your being,’ you will be the first one to fall victim to severe imbalances.

“It is well worth scrutinizing your life’s content from this perspective and making the personal decision when in doubt, to emulate the behavior of your Master Jesus, who never compromised the integrity of His character by dirtying His hand through the processes of throwing mud or stones at His opponents. Indeed, you are the first one getting soiled in the process. Find better ways to express the truth of your soul—ways that are in alignment with Christ’s admonitions to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and ‘treat others as you want to be treated. These will lead you to a mighty personal metamorphosis—one of great positive impact on your world. By cleaning up your acts, you are indeed cleaning up both your inner and outer worlds.”

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