Teacher: “Dear one, as you wait for us to convey our teachings to you, you feel like a little fish swimming in a stream and looking for its next meal. What will be the menu today? Will it come from within the stream or will it come from above it in the form of tasty little bugs?
“You are swimming in the stream of life and such a stream provides you constantly with new opportunities that can be surprising to the beholder. Many lessons are contained in the stream of life—ongoing lessons inviting you to master various degrees of challenges and difficulties.
“The stream of life is also very relational and each little fish swimming in that stream has to acknowledge the presence of others and come to the realization that it is indeed part of a greater school of fish--humanity. A school of fish swims in synchronized harmony and also acquires added protection that way as it forms a greater organism that is better equipped to defend itself against the hazards of the river.
“Our teachings are like tasty bread crumbs that we throw into the stream in order to complement the nutrition of the little fish. Depending on which bread crumb they grab, they can strengthen certain parts of their being, gaining a greater immunity against lower influences. Once they have tasted our bread crumbs, they develop a desire for more as they do not suffer from any negative side effects. Ours are loving and healing messages.
“Little fish, do find your place in the stream of life and be assured that your needs are known and provided for. The more you ingest of truth, beauty and goodness, the stronger you become to the point that you can swim against the current of ignorance and ascend to higher spiritual grounds just like a salmon returning to its birth place to give birth and fulfill its own destiny.”