Thought Adjuster: “Dear Child, you are asking to hear Me and that the communication channels be open between us; you come to realize what a truly magical moment it is when we can bridge together the ever thinning veil which is seemingly separating us. The more often you come to Me to practice your listening skills, the faster you will master that new technique of receiving my softly spoken input.
“As I see you take down my whispered leadings, I rejoice in that heartwarming fact that you are manifesting, little by little but ever so steadily, your desires to be an open channel through which I can express My Self. This means so much to Me and to your heavenly Overseers as they can, through you and through your willingness to be of service to others, express more and more of their age long wisdom.
“Wisdom is such a precious good acquired through your life experiences. It is like a precious nectar that can be shared with others and assist them on their own journey, through their own challenges. “Been there, done that” is such an encouragement for others who are encountering similar life situations and challenges.
“The fact that someone shares with them how they God-victoriously navigated such challenging situations is such a beacon of hope in their life as it infuses them with a much needed and empowering can do spirit. The life of your Master Jesus has such a deep impact on so many lives for that very reason.
“Jesus encountered very trying challenges at so many levels. He experienced rejection at the family level as well as at the public level. He experienced betrayal from Judas who belonged to His most intimate circle of friends and followers. He experienced defamation of character, persecution. His pure intentions were mislabeled as being of the Devil… In spite of so much adversity, His own strength of character came to shine even stronger and brighter and He truly was and still is a shining inspiration to all as He never allowed the lower emotions of resentment and bitterness to deprive him of His peace of mind and of heart: the peace that passes all understanding.
“Peace is the secret of making God centered decisions. Whenever you are able to maintain your peace in the midst of adversities, you can think with a clear mind and make informed decisions which are not tainted with fears and anxieties. Be in peace!”