The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just thinking about the complexity of a human being. Beyond the visible external appearance, there are many other layers that are added to the frame of a human being. Each one of these layers has been endowed with a delicate filtering system so as to maintain the integrity of what “come in.” The pump of the physical heart directs the blood flow where it is needed; other filtering systems play their role as well in the intake of nutrients and the rejection of harmful foreign bodies. In case of high alert, the physical organism can even shut down into a coma.

“Your emotional, mental and spiritual layers are also equipped with filtering systems. Some of them are activated on a subconscious level. You have a say in others since you have the free will sovereignty over your being. Are you aware of it? Or are you being tossed around by the unpredictable ebb and flow of impulsive and random thoughts and emotions triggered by various stress factors?

“You can consciously choose to reject from your emotional body any destructive and harmful emotions. You have the privilege of choice. The same applies to the thoughts you entertain. Are you distracted by any thought that pops up in your mind or are you consciously directing the “thought traffic”? This too is within your job description. Why entertain lower thought forms while the very same brain can intelligently flesh out higher thought contents that help manifest a better quality of life and a better world?

“Dear ones, start each day with the setting of very precise intentions. They will help you navigate your day without being caught off guard by distracting foreign interferences. You intentions are like the little flags marking the target holes of a golf course. They provide you with reference points and ensure that you remain focused on spending your energies intelligently, rather than squandering them if they are being tossed around by unfriendly mental winds.

“At the end of each day, take the time to assess your performance. Day by day, you will become more adept at following through and at hitting the mark of your intentions by shooting some awesome birdies.”

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