The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us spend some quality time together! Disengage your mind from any thinking and direct your full attention to your heart space. This is where I wish to meet you, as it is for Me a much more inviting meeting place than the complexity of your mind and its surprising surges in thinking.

Your heart can become our Family Room—a room where My Presence and the Presence of your Angels and Guides can be detected, as we bring with us higher vibrations and frequencies. You have experienced how it feels like when some moody stranger walks into your space and disturbs your inner peace by exposing you to uncomfortable vibrations. However, whenever you intentionally set the stage for us to get close to you, We bring with us finer and uplifting vibrations and they will positively affect your emotional state.

Our best personal encounters will be the ones when you will have cleansed your inner space before invoking Our Presence. Indeed, We are your Guests of Honor and appreciate it when we are not casually treated as mere drop-ins. Any loving preparation you make for our get-together deeply touches Our hearts and silently speaks volumes about the pure longings of your heart. Such a family reunion will never need ice breakers, as the thermostat of your heart will be set on a very inviting emotional comfort zone.”

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