The Inner Sherpa



“Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail.” [UB 2097:01]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let’s talk about The Ascension Ladder. For anyone standing at the foot of a very tall ladder and turning their sight toward its very top, it may appear as very blurry and out of focus due to its remoteness.

“You are already aware of some of rungs of The Ascension Ladder. One by one, they are meant to take you to higher realms of personal understanding and achievements. The rungs of a material ladder are evenly spaced so as to facilitate the upward climb without dangerously throwing the climber off balance. A steady pace is the best way to get to the top without risking a fall or becoming short of breath.

“Just as scuba divers have to spend some time in a decompression chamber as a way to re-pressurize and get their bodies used to normal atmospheric conditions after being underwater for long periods of time, you could say that ‘Ascenders’ have also to linger for some time at the various ‘rest stops’ along their Ascension Journey. Indeed, Ascension is a very delicate process, divinely timed based on the pace of your personal evolution.

“If you were to be instantly transported to the top of the Ascension Ladder, you could not withstand its atmospheric pressure and would feel very disoriented—just as someone climbing Mount Everest at an accelerated pace would suffer from altitude sickness. The higher the climb, the lesser oxygen there is and the body has to go through many adjustment stages in order to make it to the top alive. The objective is well worth the effort but patience is a fundamental requirement.

“For those treading the earth—starting from the bottom rung of the Ascension Ladder—Paradise may seem very unreal as, at this stage, it is nothing more than a mental concept. Yet, in order to make it more palatable, the Father is delegating to many celestial beings the mission to come down to meet you at your level in order to accompany you and guide you with their expertise on your upward climb.

“Your Angels are part of your ascension party. The Father even goes as far as to ask high ranked Celestial Beings to incarnate as men among men. Such was the case with Machiventa Melchizedek—the Sage of Salem—and Jesus of Nazareth, a Divine Son.

“Dear ones, do not feel overwhelmed by the infinite scope of the Ascension process. You have all the time in the world and some. Relish each new experience; take the time to find a sure footing at each rung of the ladder as each one of them reveals new spiritual panoramas that are well worth of an in depth exploration before you get your backpack on to resume your journey toward the next transit camp. Eventually, the base camp will only be a faraway memory.”

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