The Inner Sherpa



“New meanings only emerge amid conflict; and conflict persists only in the face of refusal to espouse the higher values connoted in superior meanings. [UB 1097:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, conflicts are proof of the innate quest for peace. This statement must at first appear paradoxical. How could conflicts be a proof of the innate quest for Peace? Whenever someone is conflicted, a feeling of dissatisfaction is also felt at the core of one’s being. Peace and Harmony are the only states that are compatible with Happiness with an “H.”

“Picture yourself relaxing outside on a sunny day. The temperature is perfect; the vegetation is fragrant and beautiful. Yet, a pesky little bug keeps buzzing around you and literally disturbs your peace. Human lives are filled with such pesky bugs that infringe on your peace of mind and prevent you to live in a state of utmost bliss. These little bugs are persistent and refuse to go away on their own. They claim you as their territory.

“They will keep ‘bugging’ you until such time you take some action to evict them from your personal space. They can be compared tolife situations in need of resolution that draw your attention to some deep seated feeling of dissatisfaction in your being. This is how new meanings can emerge amid conflict. They can only emerge if you use the conflict situation as a question mark in need of a solution—a resolution. What is this situation teaching me? Which strength and inner value do I need to develop to successfully rise above that specific challenge?

“Conflicts are the best Teachers if you look at them with inquisitive eyes. If you just tolerate them in your life space and do not take any remedial measure, they will hold you back from gaining self-mastery and living in Peace. Whenever you identify an area of disharmony, learn to look at it in the same manner as a doctor examines a patient’s symptoms in order to come up with the right diagnosis and develop a relevant treatment plan. Conflicts are the signposts you encounter whenever you need to grow in some specific area of your personality.

“They always involve the ego—the unyielding ego. The first step is to acknowledge that you have been made aware of an area in your life that is ‘under construction.’ The second step is to turn within and to consult with your Divine Guide who is the best qualified to assist you in pointing out which elements within you are in need of attention—of healing. Peace unfailingly moves in when a conflict is positively resolved.

“Ask yourself what it would take to restore your inner peace? It is always in your power and it is devoid of any type of blame—self blame or blaming others. Conflicts shake things up in order to reorganize them in better formations. If you are in a state of allowance rather than resistance, they will help you dislodge from your being any foreign elements—the lower vibrations and frequencies that are not of the Light. By taking charge, you will unveil the higher values for which they were the catalysts. The Father is always pouring out His blessings even though their packaging may take you abackat first.”

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