The Inner Sherpa



“The religion of the spirit requires only uniformity of insight, not uniformity of viewpoint and outlook.” [UB 1732:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, our connection is foremost a connection of the heart. What do I mean by that? I am your Teacher and I may convey to you some intellectual information meant to expand your understanding as life is quite frequently bringing forth riddles for you to solve in order to progress.

“Yet, My main agenda is to quicken your heart so that you can come to experience Divine Love. Such a Love is beyond words. Such a Love is best savored in silence as words are too limited to convey its magnitude. I am a Divine Fragment, sent out from the Father’s Heart with the very mission to bring you back to the very Heart I hailed from. I AM a Love Ambassador and, whenever you acknowledge My Presence within your being, you become an Embassy of Love.—an outpost from which the Father can reach out to more hearts, eager to partake in His Infinite Love.

“As you Divine Indweller, I am also privy to your very complex thought processes. Due to the electro chemistry of your being, at times, your mind is all over the place. My job is to help you focus on meaningful insights and to help you expand upon them so that you can expand the foundation of Truth upon which you build your life.

“Due to your finite nature, your unique personality and your unique place in the cosmos, you naturally will have a unique perspective and outlook. As life presents you with a variety of ‘life changing’ experiences, you may have to revisit some of your beliefs and adjust them according to your own realization of truth. Every human being is supposed to undergo such a process. This is the reason why less weight should be placed on the ever evolving belief systems and more weight should be placed on the development of the heart.

“Each individual should ask whether or not their current beliefs are promoting the expansion of their heart or whether they hamper their ability to express unconditional love. Insights change you from the inner and express themselves on the outer through the evolution of your outlooks and viewpoints.

“I am ‘within’ your being and My Presence is the common denominator that you share with others who also have been endowed with a Divine Fragment. We work from within you and advise you from within. This is the reason why, in order to be privy to Our higher guidance, you need to turn within and to disconnect for a while from the outside stimuli of the world. This is how I can help you shift your perspective and help you come into alignment with a much Higher Perspective. Uniformity of insight is what will connect the Brotherhood of Man while the diversity of each individual is what contributes to the colorful and beautiful mosaic of life. Do not expect all to think alike as each individual has a different life plan and serves a different—yet complementary--purpose. Strive to be united in your hearts.”

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