The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there is silence and there is Silence. As you go within and still you body to disengage yourself from any exterior stimuli, you also simultaneously have to still your mind that has been focusing on the outside. It is like bringing back the sheep to the sheep pen after they were allowed to roam the fields in search of subsistence.

“Human beings are of the world and by necessity dedicate time to provide for their sustenance and the needs of their physical bodies. Much of their time is spent in physical activities and these activities also affect their mental balance. Each day is filled with surprises when you step out of your comfort zone. Going out into the world exposes you to a wide spectrum of experiences and many of them have to be processed internally in order to integrate their value in your Higher Self.

“This is where the need for Silence manifests itself. Just as your body needs its nightly rest to restore its spent energies and calm its frazzled nerves, your mind and your soul are also in need of Quiet Time—not only to regain a state of internal peace and balance, but also to be able to receive higher input that is only available in the Stillness—when one pays attention to the Still Voice of Spirit. Spirit whispers so as to get the full attention of the listener in a loving way—just as a mother sings a soft lullaby to soothe her restless baby.

“In order to listen to whispers, you have to silence the world around you and pay deliberate attention to your Soul Whisperer. Spirit has so much to share with you! Once in a while, It manages to come through to you during your daily activities in these precious Ah-Ha moments when It catches you off guard and downloads in your mind some gems of wisdom you were scouting for.

“How much more effective would it be to have daily dates with Spirit so that you can receive unhurried and continued Higher Education and Guidance! Spirit will seize any window of opportunity to connect with you. This is a fact. What if you consciously provided such extended windows of opportunity? What if you stopped doing all the talking and learned to actively listen? What if you confided daily to Spirit and asked your most intimate questions?

“This is what Jesus did while He walked the earth as the Son of Man. Through His own efforts and perseverance, He opened a communication line with Spirit—as a Man, as a member of the human species. The messages He thus received, He freely shared with His siblings and they are still meaningful to this day as they were infused with the everlasting values conveyed to Him by Spirit.

“Dear ones, don’t take my word for it. Put it to the test! I am challenging you to do so as I know that it will open doors and windows in your life that you did not even suspect existed. Your being has many inner chambers—many of them have never been accessed. Aren’t you curious to tour your inner mansion and to find out how to access your Inner Sanctum? My Chamber has a 24/7 open door policy.”

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