Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you slowly inhale and exhale, you become aware of the calming influence of your breath. It actually goes much deeper than you can fathom as by consecrating your Stillness time, you also open your spiritual lungs so to speak.
“Divine Love is constantly streaming from Paradise and is the substance of all life. By consciously breathing it in through a powerful visualization, you allow it to bathe all the layers of your being. Divine Love is the vital energy that keeps everything moving and that can go even deeper as long as it is invited into your being and into this world.
“Love is humble and will never kick any door open in order to move into human hearts. Love has to be invited in like the most cherished guest you could ever entertain.
“Whenever you are inviting a special guest, you are preparing your home for his much-desired presence. You are thoroughly cleaning, scrubbing, removing dust and spider webs. You are washing your windows so as to let the sunlight in. After airing your place in order to expulse any stale odors, you may burn a fragrant candle. You get party favors and stock up your refrigerator with your guest’s favorite foods. You are turning all the lights on, including your porch light. And you are humming to yourself all along as your heart is filled with joyful anticipation.
“When the guest arrives at the appointed time, you are waiting at the door, ready to welcome him and this deeply moves his heart. You make your guest feel like a very special person--not like an intruder or an afterthought.
“The same goes for the conditioning of your Stillness time. You send out the invitation after conditioning your sacred space. You dust your inner world by raising your vibrations. You purge your thinking from any depressive thoughts that are hanging in your mind like obstinate spider webs. You consciously beautify your inner world. You carefully select your house guests by screening the thoughts that float in your mind. You discard your mental chatter and focus on meaningful mental input. This is a very effective process.
“Each day, you clean your inner temple as life may have cluttered it while you were not paying attention. Day after day, it gains more radiance and the time needed to clean becomes insignificant. A cared for home does not require as much maintenance. Eventually, improvements will be made to your temple as your guests are coming bearing wonderful house warming gifts—spiritual incense, frankincense, and myrrh. They too are respectful of you, appreciate you and long to contribute to your optimal wellbeing.
“Keep this in mind and take it to heart. This will a beautiful catalyst for a life well lived. You have been assigned expert consultants who are truly working pro bono. How can you justify not taking advantage of their loving guidance? All you have to do is to send out your heartfelt invitation—no RSVP needed.”