The Inner Sherpa



“What a mistake to dream of God far off in the skies when the spirit of the Universal Father lives within your own mind.” [UB, 5:2.3]

Thought Adjuster:

“The Father of All-That-Is takes his paternity to heart. All his conceptions are immaculate and thoroughly premeditated, which leaves no room for errors or regrets. It is an impossibility for the supreme IQ that takes cosmic responsibility for all his love-infused endeavors. Whenever love is at the inception of a project, it impregnates it with its benevolence, spreading the good cheers of boundless altruism.

“The proof of fraternity with the divine Adjuster consists wholly in the nature and extent of the fruits of the spirit which are yielded in the life experience of the individual believer.” [UB, 5:2.4]

The Father indwells YOU! If you view yourself as a spiritual orphan, you have not emerged out of the warm gestational cocoon of the spiritual womb. You have a say in setting your spiritual due date, as it requires your willing participation.

Do not resist the innate urge to get to know your spiritual self and all its family ties to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Instead, take advantage of the favorable spiritual environment provided by the Adjutant Mind Spirits, who help awaken and activate your subtle and collaborative inner guidance system. Indeed, Intuition, Understanding, Knowledge, Courage, Counsel, Wisdom, and Worship are the seven rungs of your spiritual ascension ladder.

Your heart aches to experience the sublime reality of divinity. Once it occurs, this nostalgia will give place to spiritual bliss—an eternally renewable experience since it is the very purpose of your human/divine interaction.

Have you shattered the glass ceiling of your animalistic consciousness? Wisdom and worship are the portals to your super-humanness. They set you apart from the animal kingdom and qualify you as co-creators accredited from on high. So, what will you do with the top-notch raw materials at your disposal?”

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