The Inner Sherpa



"Moral convictions based on spiritual enlightenment and rooted in human experience are just as real and certain as mathematical deductions based on physical observations, but on another and higher level.” [UB 195:6:12]

Thought Adjuster: “After moving on to the next leg of your eternal career, you will grasp that your current down-to-earth perception was merely the shadow cast from above by a much more imposing living organism. From Ground Zero of your earthly incarnation, spiritual realities are labeled as illusions by many ‘doubting Thomas.’

“However, once you get oriented on the other side, your ‘first’ life will have become the illusion, and you will retain from it the enduring spiritual qualities that you will have developed experientially by your own due diligence.

“A scientist learns from experimenting. He starts with the formulation of a theory—the topic of his research. He then investigates various probabilities and discards, one by one, those that fail to fully solve the riddles of the object of his studies.

“However, by investing himself in finding the root cause of the observed chain reactions, he is led to break down cells to such an extent that he will eventually reach the demarcation line between matter and energy.

“What you can gather from that is that there is an invisible first cause for all visible and tangible effects.

“Someone on a spiritual quest may proceed similarly by first asking a question about a puzzling subject matter. He also benefits from the research materials collected by kindred souls. However, as pertains to the assimilation of spiritual facts, he will have to work solo. What I mean by that is that you can only KNOW what you experientially discover. Hearsay does not suffice because you need to absorb and integrate into your being the enlightening substance of spiritual Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

“It is how your moral convictions become rock-solid, as validated by your eye- and heart-opening personal experiences.”

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