Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Me—your Still Small Voice. Indeed, this is a topic that many are wondering about. How does it work? How is it possible to distinguish My Voice from your own mental chatter?
“Indeed, My mental Voice blends in with yours and from your perspective, all your thoughts are expressing themselves in the same ‘timber of voice‘ and seem to constantly debate with one another. This is what makes it hard for you to discern between your own thinking and My Input.
“This has nothing to do with ‘hearing voices. My Voice is quiet and discreet. You are the one needing to learn to pick up on Its leadings. I am not in the business of startling you by vocally interjecting in your inner conversations. Rather, I make humble suggestions and help you expand on any string of thoughts you entertain that is worthy of being followed as it leads you into much needed personal enlightenment.
“I know which areas of your understanding are in need of clarification. I also know what preoccupies you moment by moment and when you are able to disengage your mind from its tendency to obsess about worries and incertitude, whenever you provide Me with a mental pause, I can lovingly interject gems of wisdom into your thinking process and bring you to these cherished ah-ha moments that contribute to appease your mind and put it on the appropriate mental tracks—tracks that will propel you forward rather than holding you back.
“Spirit talks to you telepathically—not vocally as it would constantly startle you. Spirit never talks out of turn. What I mean by that is that Spirit does not take over your mental space without being invited to do so. This is the reason why your Divine Fragment keeps silent whenever there is no receptivity from your part. Life will then become your experiential teacher and Spirit will use these ‘field trips’ to stimulate your mind as you are dealing with unanticipated life scenarios.
“In extreme situations, human beings instinctively turn to Higher Powers. They come to realize under such hardships that they are not equipped to make it solo and that they have a support team waiting for their heartfelt SOS to step in.
“Dear ones, do not wait for extreme situations to corner you into connecting with Me. Rather, connect with Me moment by moment and I will help you remain in the flow. We are meant to fuse one day. This is another reason why My Voice blends in with your voice. Eventually, your thinking will be so perfectly aligned with Mine that we will truly become one single mind, expressing itself in one voice—a voice that only speaks Truth and is no longer debating within the divided points of view of its previously split personality.”