The Inner Sherpa



Still Small Voice: “Dear child, let us address how your body processes emotions. When you are sad, tears flow from your eyes. You do not command them to flow, they just do. They help evacuate some of your sadness and leave a feeling of calmness in their wake.

“Tears can also express an overwhelming sense of joy. You would feel at risk of imploding without the release they provide. Joy has been meant to be expressed and your body has been equipped to do so through tears, laughter, singing, dancing, etc.

“A smile also expresses a positive emotion and conveys it to someone in need of its uplifting essence. A look filled with compassion and understanding is yet another heartening messenger.

“Your body has its own sign language—universal and in need of no words, nor translations. The language of the heart is a sign language that needs to be more and more practiced as it is hugely transformative for all parties.

“Practice such a loving language as it can break down many barriers. It bypasses the complexity of mental interpretations and misinterpretations. Heart to heart connections are the ones that have been intended to take place all over the cosmos. Learn to engage your heart in that manner and your whole being will become Love in Action. Such actions speak louder than words and are less likely to be misinterpreted as their manifestations silently and humbly speak for themselves.”

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