The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought entered your mind that, in the agelong warfare between the forces of good and evil, evil plays dirty and exhibits a total and arrogant disrespect toward the Rules of Engagement that are meant to maintain a type of fair play on the battlefield of life and to prevent an escalation of atrocities.

Before being dispatched with their marching orders, the troops are coached and briefed as to what they can and cannot do. Evil’s illegal weapons of mass destruction are deceit, cheating, gossip, the spreading of rumors, depriving others of their free will prerogatives, and more dirty tricks. Goodness stands out by its integrity and loyalty to its vows of full disclosure and its mantra of ‘do no harm.’

It may seem to many that the darkness has the upper hand in this conflict, as its minions are adept at clamoring for what they erroneously perceive as their rights, without acknowledging that, as part of the human race, there are responsibilities and duties connected to a sound enjoyment of their liberties.

Dear ones, take pride in being Light Workers. By doing so, reflect about the way you lead your lives. Wean yourself from any toxic tendencies. Find your inner peace and use it as your anchor whenever things fail to make sense around you. Indeed, the spreading of confusion is another tactic of the forces of darkness. By intentionally slinging mud to prevent the light from penetrating, they generate many gray areas under which they camouflage.

Turn within daily to connect to Me—your inner Light Generator. I am here to recharge your batteries before sending you out into the world as My light bearers. Take pride into the fact that you serve the highest good, and fully sever your attachments to lower influences. By doing so, your light will shine brighter for all to notice and they will turn to you, asking how you made it happen and wanting to upgrade their own energies, becoming aware that, where there is light, there is joy—a joy that is genuine and palpable and puts to shame the empty promises of happiness spread by those campaigning for their misguided and selfish agendas.”

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