The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Seven billion people live on your planet. What could they accomplish if they joined forces both at the material and spiritual levels of their existence? You will never know unless humankind comes out of the spiritual torpor and amnesia that are induced by the lures of the material world.

“The material reality has not been intended as a distraction, but as the training ground of the soul--the planetary soul nursery. Yet, instead, it has become the stage for many wars and antagonisms that turn humanity into an endangered species.

“You were born on a very challenging world. By applying yourself to develop the spiritual side of your being, you will reap great benefits, as you will have the opportunity to move up some grades in your spiritual education.

“You may choose to skip school; you may choose to focus on one specific topic at a time; or you may embrace the whole curriculum and make great strides during your physical embodiment. Certainly, yours will be a very intense experience but your rewards will be incommensurable and proportional to the degree of the challenges you overcame.

“No one earns a PhD or a Master’s Degree by merely attending elementary school. It takes commitment and hard work to obtain such diplomas that you can proudly display on your walls.

“You get familiar with your outer world by exploring it. You can also get acquainted with your vast inner world by turning your attention within. Ask Spirit to guide you in this process as It will open one by one and in due timing many doors for you to walk through that will take you to the next level of your spiritual education.

“Be curious, be eager and be consistent. You are the one to determine the pace of your education as you will have to repeat the fundamental classes of life until such time you master their content. This will determine the value of your spiritual real estate—the one that affects your eternal destiny. Indeed, the spiritual currency you acquire while on earth will be the seed money for your eternal life.”

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