The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You could compare your life’s struggles to a game of American football, being played out on a very large field. You are one of the players intent on scoring goals. Depending on the initial coin toss, you may have to start on the defense team, eager to on the offense.

“The opposite team does not play by the Golden Rule. Its players display on the back of their shirts their intimidating battle names: Fear, Worry, Anxiety, Insecurity, and more. Their team is large in size, yet it is evenly matched with the number of your team members. Each one has been assigned his own battle name and strategic position: Courage has to tackle Fear. Optimism, Hope, and Faith go on the offense and join forces to shake off Worry, Anxiety, and Insecurity. Your star player is Love. It has no fear and is unstoppable. Yet, its teammates have to cover his back.

“Indeed, winning each one of life’s battle is a concerted team effort. It cannot be done otherwise, as any sign of disunity and divisiveness opens your flank for the enemy to weaken your position.

“Dear ones, just as the players have to remain constantly alert, you too need to sharpen your awareness and discernment in order to be victorious over your life’s skirmishes. By getting to know the weaknesses of your opponents, you can turn them to your advantage and devise strategies to annihilate them. Learn to read their poker faces; call their bluff! They are devoid of substance. This is how you will intercept the ball, gain speed and God-victoriously reach the end zone.”

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