Thought Adjuster: “Dear One, as you wait for Me to come through to you in your morning Stillness time, there is always that leap of faith, that moment when you wonder if I will show up and if you will be able to grasp the message I am intending to convey to you. As you let go of your own self doubts and trust in Me, I can start activating the flow of words through your mind. It is as simple as that. Once you surrender your will to Me, I can step in and use your mind and your fingers on the keyboard to participate more actively in your spiritual education.
“Our together time has a big impact on your life, much bigger than you could possibly fathom. We were created to be one and the more you strive to practice this Oneness, the more empowered we become jointly. We are two parts meant to blend as one. The more you declare your willingness to move into that oneness experience, the more active I become. I am your Silent Partner until you ask for my opinion and input. Once you pass Me the Talking Stick, I know that My input is requested and I will provide it to you.
“The same goes for your relationship with others. You can only share your own wisdom with those who are eager to learn from your life experience. As long as individuals are more preoccupied with their own self, there are not able to give you their attention. Frequently a crisis situation is the trigger which drives a soul to be more receptive. In life crisis, individuals actively look for a positive resolution and come to realize that they can benefit from the input of those who travelled the same road ahead of them. All of a sudden, the value of their siblings become obvious to them.
“In a personal crisis, even though the intention of the individual is to find peace in the midst of challenges and could be considered as self serving, such a change of attitude allows Spirit to influence the life of the one open to receive. Spirit will take advantage of the smallest of openings and this will be the beginning of a new phase in the life of the individual.
“Each personal crisis also teaches compassion. Through that crisis, one comes to realize the inherent value of those who have or are dealing with similar challenges. Once you walk in others’ shoes, your perspective change about them and you get in touch with their courage and their fortitude. They become role models in your life as they demonstrate to you that there is a way out of the darkness. They inspire you to move forward instead of giving up. Each one of you can be such a mentor for others if you live your life with awareness and you gratefully accept your life challenges as they are your best Teachers.”